[Angelic Ragnarok Online Archive Project]
Angel Website Archive
Wing Website Archive
Gabriel/Lilim Website Archive
Angel Forums Archive
Wing Forums Archive
Gabriel/Lilim Forums Archive
Character Data Archives
Final AngelicRO Client
Dreamchaser, by the late Benny "Lonnehart" Reyes
JusticeRO Archive
Tuesday, April 14th, 2020
I've added the short unfinished webcomic The Dreamchaser, by Kennatsu AKA Lonnehart.
I hope you're doing well in the next life, old friend. Thinking of you.
Tuesday, September 4th, 2018
Website archives are online for all three servers.
This doesn't cover every revision, but does cover the major ones.
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Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment,
Thou shalt not respect the person of the poor,
Nor honor the person of the mighty,
But in righteousness
Shalt thou judge thy neighbour.